Real Time Quilmes
Real Time Weather for October 14, 2024
You can also see the weather forecast for tomorrow.
Current weather
October 14, 2024 Monday | ||
Night Cloudy |
17.3 ℃ Feels like 17.3 ℃ |
Pressure 1019 mb |
Humidity 92% | ||
Precipitation 0 mm | ||
Realtime weather forecast |
Wind Activity
Wind | |
Wind speed | 13 kph |
Wind degree | 82° |
Wind direction | E |
Wind gust | 21.5 kph |
Realtime weather forecast |
Weather Conditions
Conditions | |
Condition | Patchy rain nearby |
Cloud cover | 74 % |
Vision | 10 km |
Chance of rain | 88% |
Chance of snow | 0% |
Realtime weather forecast |
Solar Activity
The UVI ranges from 0 to ≥11.
The general thought is that the higher the UVI, the higher the risk will be for the
general public to attain diseases associated with an overexposure to UV radiation.
Sun | |
UV Index | 0 |
Solar Activity |
Astronomical data
Astro | |
Sunrise | 06:11 AM |
Sunset | 07:07 PM |
Moonrise | 04:00 PM |
Moonset | 04:30 AM |
Moon phase | Waxing Gibbous |
Moon illumination | 83 |
Astro forecast |
Weather summary
Summary | |
t° max | 18.4 ℃ |
t° min | 16.2 ℃ |
t° avg | 17.2 ℃ |
Humidity avg | 84 % |
Precipitation total | 1.91 mm |
Wind speed max | 27 kph |
Realtime weather forecast |
Hourly weather forecast for Quilmes for October 14, 2024
Temperature 17.8 ℃
Feels like 17.8 ℃
Presure 1025 mb
Humidity 79%
Precipitation 0 mm
Cloud cover 21 %
Wind chill 17.8 ℃
Wind speed 13.7 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 87°
Wind gust 23.8 kph
Heat index 17.8 ℃
Dew point 14.1 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature 17.6 ℃
Feels like 17.6 ℃
Presure 1024 mb
Humidity 78%
Precipitation 0 mm
Cloud cover 18 %
Wind chill 17.6 ℃
Wind speed 15.8 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 83°
Wind gust 26.9 kph
Heat index 17.6 ℃
Dew point 13.7 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature 17.4 ℃
Feels like 17.4 ℃
Presure 1024 mb
Humidity 78%
Precipitation 0 mm
Cloud cover 13 %
Wind chill 17.4 ℃
Wind speed 15.5 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 78°
Wind gust 24.9 kph
Heat index 17.4 ℃
Dew point 13.6 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature 17 ℃
Feels like 17 ℃
Presure 1024 mb
Humidity 81%
Precipitation 0 mm
Cloud cover 9 %
Wind chill 17 ℃
Wind speed 16.2 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 72°
Wind gust 25.3 kph
Heat index 17 ℃
Dew point 13.7 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature 16.8 ℃
Feels like 16.8 ℃
Presure 1024 mb
Humidity 80%
Precipitation 0 mm
Cloud cover 8 %
Wind chill 16.8 ℃
Wind speed 17.3 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 69°
Wind gust 26.5 kph
Heat index 16.8 ℃
Dew point 13.4 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature 16.3 ℃
Feels like 16.4 ℃
Presure 1023 mb
Humidity 81%
Precipitation 0 mm
Cloud cover 8 %
Wind chill 16.4 ℃
Wind speed 18.4 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 66°
Wind gust 27.8 kph
Heat index 16.4 ℃
Dew point 13.1 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature 16.2 ℃
Feels like 16.2 ℃
Presure 1024 mb
Humidity 83%
Precipitation 0 mm
Cloud cover 16 %
Wind chill 16.2 ℃
Wind speed 19.8 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 77°
Wind gust 29.4 kph
Heat index 16.2 ℃
Dew point 13.2 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature 16.2 ℃
Feels like 16.2 ℃
Presure 1023 mb
Humidity 83%
Precipitation 0 mm
Cloud cover 24 %
Wind chill 16.2 ℃
Wind speed 22 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 79°
Wind gust 30.9 kph
Heat index 16.2 ℃
Dew point 13.2 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature 16.4 ℃
Feels like 16.4 ℃
Presure 1024 mb
Humidity 82%
Precipitation 0 mm
Cloud cover 44 %
Wind chill 16.4 ℃
Wind speed 20.5 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 81°
Wind gust 27.6 kph
Heat index 16.4 ℃
Dew point 13.4 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature 16.4 ℃
Feels like 16.5 ℃
Presure 1024 mb
Humidity 83%
Precipitation 0 mm
Cloud cover 39 %
Wind chill 16.5 ℃
Wind speed 23 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 72°
Wind gust 30.3 kph
Heat index 16.5 ℃
Dew point 13.6 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature 16.7 ℃
Feels like 16.7 ℃
Presure 1024 mb
Humidity 83%
Precipitation 0 mm
Cloud cover 44 %
Wind chill 16.7 ℃
Wind speed 21.6 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 73°
Wind gust 27.6 kph
Heat index 16.7 ℃
Dew point 13.7 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature 16.7 ℃
Feels like 16.8 ℃
Presure 1024 mb
Humidity 82%
Precipitation 0 mm
Cloud cover 42 %
Wind chill 16.8 ℃
Wind speed 18 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 56°
Wind gust 23.2 kph
Heat index 16.8 ℃
Dew point 13.7 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature 17.1 ℃
Feels like 17.1 ℃
Presure 1024 mb
Humidity 80%
Precipitation 0.01 mm
Cloud cover 71 %
Wind chill 17.1 ℃
Wind speed 17.3 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 50°
Wind gust 22.5 kph
Heat index 17.1 ℃
Dew point 13.7 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature 17.4 ℃
Feels like 17.5 ℃
Presure 1023 mb
Humidity 80%
Precipitation 0.01 mm
Cloud cover 60 %
Wind chill 17.5 ℃
Wind speed 18.7 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 36°
Wind gust 24.4 kph
Heat index 17.5 ℃
Dew point 14 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature 18.2 ℃
Feels like 18.2 ℃
Presure 1021 mb
Humidity 77%
Precipitation 0 mm
Cloud cover 51 %
Wind chill 18.2 ℃
Wind speed 13.3 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 34°
Wind gust 16.6 kph
Heat index 18.2 ℃
Dew point 14.1 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature 18.1 ℃
Feels like 18.1 ℃
Presure 1020 mb
Humidity 80%
Precipitation 0 mm
Cloud cover 68 %
Wind chill 18.1 ℃
Wind speed 12.6 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 66°
Wind gust 16.3 kph
Heat index 18.1 ℃
Dew point 14.5 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature 18.4 ℃
Feels like 18.4 ℃
Presure 1019 mb
Humidity 80%
Precipitation 0.04 mm
Cloud cover 60 %
Wind chill 18.4 ℃
Wind speed 13.3 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 58°
Wind gust 17.6 kph
Heat index 18.4 ℃
Dew point 14.9 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature 17.7 ℃
Feels like 17.7 ℃
Presure 1019 mb
Humidity 88%
Precipitation 0.69 mm
Cloud cover 87 %
Wind chill 17.7 ℃
Wind speed 11.5 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 59°
Wind gust 16.6 kph
Heat index 17.7 ℃
Dew point 15.8 ℃
Vision 5 km
UV index Low
Temperature 17.4 ℃
Feels like 17.4 ℃
Presure 1019 mb
Humidity 93%
Precipitation 0.17 mm
Cloud cover 62 %
Wind chill 17.4 ℃
Wind speed 10.1 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 92°
Wind gust 15.2 kph
Heat index 17.4 ℃
Dew point 16.3 ℃
Vision 5 km
UV index Low
Temperature 17.3 ℃
Feels like 17.3 ℃
Presure 1018 mb
Humidity 94%
Precipitation 0.32 mm
Cloud cover 52 %
Wind chill 17.3 ℃
Wind speed 27 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 75°
Wind gust 41.4 kph
Heat index 17.3 ℃
Dew point 16.3 ℃
Vision 5 km
UV index Low
Temperature 17.3 ℃
Feels like 17.3 ℃
Presure 1019 mb
Humidity 90%
Precipitation 0.09 mm
Cloud cover 100 %
Wind chill 17.3 ℃
Wind speed 10.1 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 80°
Wind gust 15.5 kph
Heat index 17.3 ℃
Dew point 15.7 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature 16.9 ℃
Feels like 16.9 ℃
Presure 1020 mb
Humidity 92%
Precipitation 0.6 mm
Cloud cover 100 %
Wind chill 16.9 ℃
Wind speed 11.2 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 100°
Wind gust 17.4 kph
Heat index 16.9 ℃
Dew point 15.6 ℃
Vision 2 km
UV index Low
Temperature 17.3 ℃
Feels like 17.3 ℃
Presure 1019 mb
Humidity 92%
Precipitation 0 mm
Cloud cover 74 %
Wind chill 17.3 ℃
Wind speed 13 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 82°
Wind gust 21.5 kph
Heat index 17.3 ℃
Dew point 15.9 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature 17.6 ℃
Feels like 17.6 ℃
Presure 1018 mb
Humidity 92%
Precipitation 0 mm
Cloud cover 46 %
Wind chill 17.6 ℃
Wind speed 12.6 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 86°
Wind gust 20.3 kph
Heat index 17.6 ℃
Dew point 16.4 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Weather Alerts for Quilmes, Argentina for October 14, 2024
Alerts and warnings issued by government agencies in USA, UK, Europe and Rest of the World
Total alerts - 2
Colonia : Agraciada, Campana, Carmelo, Cerro Carmelo, Colonia del Sacramento, Conchillas, El Semillero, Estanzuela, Florencio Sánchez, Gil, Miguelete, Ombúes de Lavalle, Radial Conchillas, Rosario, Santa Ana y Tarariras.Durazno : Baygorria, Carlos Reyles, Centenario, Durazno, Feliciano, Ombúes de Oribe, Pueblo de Álvarez, San Jorge y Santa Bernardina.Flores(Todo el departamento), Florida : Goñi.Paysandú(Todo el departamento), Río Negro(Todo el departamento), Salto : Albisu, Biassini, Campo de Todos, Cerro de Vera, Colonia 18 de Julio, Colonia Itapebí, Garibaldi, Itapebí, Puntas de Valentín, Salto, San Antonio y Termas del Daymán.Soriano(Todo el departamento), Tacuarembó : Achar, Arerungua, Balneario Iporá, Cerro Chato, Cuchilla de Peralta, Curtina, La Pedrera, Paso Bonilla, Paso de los Toros, Piedra Sola, Rincón del Bonete, Sauce de Batoví, Tacuarembó y Tambores.
Perturbación atmosférica asociada a masa de aire húmeda e inestable afecta el país, generando tormentas algunas puntualmente fuertes. Cabe destacar que en zonas de tormentas se podrán registrar lluvias abundantes en cortos períodos, ocasional caída de granizo, intensa actividad eléctrica y rachas de vientos fuertes. Se continuará monitoreando la situación y se informará ante eventuales cambios.
Colonia : Agraciada, Campana, Carmelo, Cerro Carmelo, Colonia del Sacramento, Conchillas, El Semillero, Estanzuela, Florencio Sánchez, Gil, Miguelete, Ombúes de Lavalle, Radial Conchillas, Rosario, Santa Ana y Tarariras.Durazno : Baygorria, Carlos Reyles, Centenario, Durazno, Feliciano, Ombúes de Oribe, Pueblo de Álvarez, San Jorge y Santa Bernardina.Flores(Todo el departamento), Florida : Goñi.Paysandú(Todo el departamento), Río Negro(Todo el departamento), Salto : Albisu, Biassini, Campo de Todos, Cerro de Vera, Colonia 18 de Julio, Colonia Itapebí, Garibaldi, Itapebí, Puntas de Valentín, Salto, San Antonio y Termas del Daymán.Soriano(Todo el departamento), Tacuarembó : Achar, Arerungua, Balneario Iporá, Cerro Chato, Cuchilla de Peralta, Curtina, La Pedrera, Paso Bonilla, Paso de los Toros, Piedra Sola, Rincón del Bonete, Sauce de Batoví, Tacuarembó y Tambores.
Perturbación atmosférica asociada a masa de aire húmeda e inestable afecta el país, generando tormentas algunas puntualmente fuertes. Cabe destacar que en zonas de tormentas se podrán registrar lluvias abundantes en cortos períodos, ocasional caída de granizo, intensa actividad eléctrica y rachas de vientos fuertes. Se continuará monitoreando la situación y se informará ante eventuales cambios.