Real Time Livno

Real Time Weather for December 13, 2024

You can also see the weather forecast for tomorrow.

Current weather

December 13, 2024 Friday


current weather condition

Light snow


Feels like -0.1

Pressure 1030 mb
Humidity 78%
Precipitation 0.06 mm

Wind Activity

Wind speed 6.8 kph
Wind degree 168°
Wind direction SSE
Wind gust 12.5 kph

Weather Conditions

Condition Light freezing rain
Cloud cover 66 %
Vision 10 km
Chance of rain 89%
Chance of snow 0%

Solar Activity

The UVI ranges from 0 to ≥11.

The general thought is that the higher the UVI, the higher the risk will be for the

general public to attain diseases associated with an overexposure to UV radiation.

UV Index 0

Astronomical data

Sunrise 07:18 AM
Sunset 04:14 PM
Moonrise 02:20 PM
Moonset 05:06 AM
Moon phase Waxing Gibbous
Moon illumination 92

Weather summary

t° max 4.7
t° min -3
t° avg 0.7
Humidity avg 78 %
Precipitation total 0.37 mm
Wind speed max 9.4 kph

Hourly weather forecast for Livno for December 13, 2024

Temperature -1.4 ℃

Feels like -3.2 ℃

Presure 1031 mb

Humidity 84%

Precipitation 0 mm

Cloud cover 0 %

Wind chill -3.2 ℃

Wind speed 5 kph

Wind direction NSW

Wind direction 56°

Wind gust 10.1 kph

Heat index -1.4 ℃

Dew point -3.7 ℃

Vision 10 km

UV index Low

Temperature -1.2 ℃

Feels like -3.5 ℃

Presure 1030 mb

Humidity 81%

Precipitation 0 mm

Cloud cover 0 %

Wind chill -3.5 ℃

Wind speed 6.5 kph

Wind direction NSW

Wind direction 51°

Wind gust 13.2 kph

Heat index -1.2 ℃

Dew point -3.9 ℃

Vision 10 km

UV index Low

Temperature -1 ℃

Feels like -3.4 ℃

Presure 1030 mb

Humidity 80%

Precipitation 0 mm

Cloud cover 0 %

Wind chill -3.4 ℃

Wind speed 6.5 kph

Wind direction NSW

Wind direction 53°

Wind gust 13.3 kph

Heat index -1 ℃

Dew point -4.1 ℃

Vision 10 km

UV index Low

Temperature -0.9 ℃

Feels like -3 ℃

Presure 1030 mb

Humidity 78%

Precipitation 0 mm

Cloud cover 0 %

Wind chill -3 ℃

Wind speed 5.8 kph

Wind direction NSW

Wind direction 58°

Wind gust 12 kph

Heat index -0.9 ℃

Dew point -4.2 ℃

Vision 10 km

UV index Low

Temperature -3 ℃

Feels like -5.5 ℃

Presure 1031 mb

Humidity 86%

Precipitation 0 mm

Cloud cover 0 %

Wind chill -5.5 ℃

Wind speed 6.1 kph

Wind direction NSW

Wind direction 55°

Wind gust 12.9 kph

Heat index -3 ℃

Dew point -5 ℃

Vision 10 km

UV index Low

Temperature -2.9 ℃

Feels like -5.4 ℃

Presure 1031 mb

Humidity 85%

Precipitation 0 mm

Cloud cover 0 %

Wind chill -5.4 ℃

Wind speed 6.1 kph

Wind direction NSW

Wind direction 57°

Wind gust 12.9 kph

Heat index -2.9 ℃

Dew point -5.1 ℃

Vision 10 km

UV index Low

Temperature -2.7 ℃

Feels like -5.6 ℃

Presure 1031 mb

Humidity 83%

Precipitation 0 mm

Cloud cover 0 %

Wind chill -5.6 ℃

Wind speed 7.2 kph

Wind direction NSW

Wind direction 59°

Wind gust 15.1 kph

Heat index -2.7 ℃

Dew point -5.1 ℃

Vision 10 km

UV index Low

Temperature -2.7 ℃

Feels like -5.2 ℃

Presure 1031 mb

Humidity 83%

Precipitation 0 mm

Cloud cover 0 %

Wind chill -5.2 ℃

Wind speed 6.1 kph

Wind direction NSW

Wind direction 65°

Wind gust 12.9 kph

Heat index -2.7 ℃

Dew point -5.2 ℃

Vision 10 km

UV index Low

Temperature -2 ℃

Feels like -4.4 ℃

Presure 1032 mb

Humidity 80%

Precipitation 0 mm

Cloud cover 0 %

Wind chill -4.4 ℃

Wind speed 6.1 kph

Wind direction NSW

Wind direction 66°

Wind gust 12.9 kph

Heat index -2 ℃

Dew point -4.9 ℃

Vision 10 km

UV index Low

Temperature 0.7 ℃

Feels like -0.6 ℃

Presure 1031 mb

Humidity 72%

Precipitation 0 mm

Cloud cover 5 %

Wind chill -0.6 ℃

Wind speed 4.7 kph

Wind direction NSW

Wind direction 77°

Wind gust 8.6 kph

Heat index 0.7 ℃

Dew point -3.7 ℃

Vision 10 km

UV index Low

Temperature 2.5 ℃

Feels like 1.6 ℃

Presure 1031 mb

Humidity 69%

Precipitation 0 mm

Cloud cover 17 %

Wind chill 1.6 ℃

Wind speed 4.3 kph

Wind direction NSW

Wind direction 74°

Wind gust 6.4 kph

Heat index 2.5 ℃

Dew point -2.6 ℃

Vision 10 km

UV index Low

Temperature 3.7 ℃

Feels like 2.9 ℃

Presure 1030 mb

Humidity 66%

Precipitation 0 mm

Cloud cover 19 %

Wind chill 2.9 ℃

Wind speed 4.3 kph

Wind direction NSW

Wind direction 86°

Wind gust 5.7 kph

Heat index 3.7 ℃

Dew point -2.1 ℃

Vision 10 km

UV index Low

Temperature 4.4 ℃

Feels like 3.9 ℃

Presure 1030 mb

Humidity 64%

Precipitation 0 mm

Cloud cover 30 %

Wind chill 3.9 ℃

Wind speed 4 kph

Wind direction NSW

Wind direction 108°

Wind gust 5 kph

Heat index 4.4 ℃

Dew point -1.9 ℃

Vision 10 km

UV index Low

Temperature 4.7 ℃

Feels like 3.7 ℃

Presure 1029 mb

Humidity 64%

Precipitation 0 mm

Cloud cover 20 %

Wind chill 3.7 ℃

Wind speed 5 kph

Wind direction NSW

Wind direction 121°

Wind gust 6.5 kph

Heat index 4.7 ℃

Dew point -1.6 ℃

Vision 10 km

UV index Low

Temperature 4.6 ℃

Feels like 3.7 ℃

Presure 1029 mb

Humidity 67%

Precipitation 0 mm

Cloud cover 0 %

Wind chill 3.7 ℃

Wind speed 4.7 kph

Wind direction NSW

Wind direction 118°

Wind gust 6.3 kph

Heat index 4.6 ℃

Dew point -1 ℃

Vision 10 km

UV index Low

Temperature 3.5 ℃

Feels like 2.6 ℃

Presure 1029 mb

Humidity 77%

Precipitation 0 mm

Cloud cover 2 %

Wind chill 2.6 ℃

Wind speed 4.7 kph

Wind direction NSW

Wind direction 131°

Wind gust 7.4 kph

Heat index 3.5 ℃

Dew point -0.1 ℃

Vision 10 km

UV index Low

Temperature 1.2 ℃

Feels like -0.8 ℃

Presure 1030 mb

Humidity 83%

Precipitation 0 mm

Cloud cover 9 %

Wind chill -0.8 ℃

Wind speed 6.5 kph

Wind direction NSW

Wind direction 102°

Wind gust 13.6 kph

Heat index 1.2 ℃

Dew point -1.4 ℃

Vision 10 km

UV index Low

Temperature 0.4 ℃

Feels like -1.1 ℃

Presure 1030 mb

Humidity 84%

Precipitation 0 mm

Cloud cover 30 %

Wind chill -1.1 ℃

Wind speed 5 kph

Wind direction NSW

Wind direction 101°

Wind gust 10.6 kph

Heat index 0.4 ℃

Dew point -1.9 ℃

Vision 10 km

UV index Low

Temperature 0.3 ℃

Feels like -1.8 ℃

Presure 1030 mb

Humidity 85%

Precipitation 0 mm

Cloud cover 33 %

Wind chill -1.8 ℃

Wind speed 6.1 kph

Wind direction NSW

Wind direction 106°

Wind gust 12.9 kph

Heat index 0.3 ℃

Dew point -2 ℃

Vision 10 km

UV index Low

Temperature 0.7 ℃

Feels like -1.5 ℃

Presure 1030 mb

Humidity 83%

Precipitation 0 mm

Cloud cover 49 %

Wind chill -1.5 ℃

Wind speed 6.8 kph

Wind direction NSW

Wind direction 122°

Wind gust 14.4 kph

Heat index 0.7 ℃

Dew point -1.9 ℃

Vision 10 km

UV index Low

Temperature 1.9 ℃

Feels like -0.7 ℃

Presure 1029 mb

Humidity 78%

Precipitation 0 mm

Cloud cover 52 %

Wind chill -0.7 ℃

Wind speed 8.6 kph

Wind direction NSW

Wind direction 140°

Wind gust 16.2 kph

Heat index 1.9 ℃

Dew point -1.4 ℃

Vision 10 km

UV index Low

Temperature 1.9 ℃

Feels like -0.1 ℃

Presure 1030 mb

Humidity 78%

Precipitation 0.06 mm

Cloud cover 66 %

Wind chill -0.1 ℃

Wind speed 6.8 kph

Wind direction NSW

Wind direction 168°

Wind gust 12.5 kph

Heat index 1.9 ℃

Dew point -1.5 ℃

Vision 10 km

UV index Low

Temperature 1.5 ℃

Feels like -0.2 ℃

Presure 1029 mb

Humidity 83%

Precipitation 0.31 mm

Cloud cover 78 %

Wind chill -0.2 ℃

Wind speed 5.8 kph

Wind direction NSW

Wind direction 112°

Wind gust 9.9 kph

Heat index 1.5 ℃

Dew point -1 ℃

Vision 5 km

UV index Low

Temperature 1.5 ℃

Feels like -1.3 ℃

Presure 1029 mb

Humidity 84%

Precipitation 0.01 mm

Cloud cover 58 %

Wind chill -1.3 ℃

Wind speed 9.4 kph

Wind direction NSW

Wind direction 133°

Wind gust 17.4 kph

Heat index 1.5 ℃

Dew point -0.9 ℃

Vision 10 km

UV index Low

Weather Alerts for Livno, Bosnia and Herzegovina for December 13, 2024

Alerts and warnings issued by government agencies in USA, UK, Europe and Rest of the World

Total alerts - 5


Split region



Izraženi pljuskovi s grmljavinom, ponajprije na otocima. vjerojatnost grmljavine > 50 %


BUDITE NA OPREZU zbog mogućih jačih grmljavinskih nevremena. Posebno pripazite u izloženim područjima kao što su planine, šume i livade odnosno otvoreni tereni. Mogući su prekidi u aktivnostima na otvorenom.


Split region



Jako do olujno jugo, osobito na otocima. srednja brzina vjetra 40-65 km/h


BUDITE NA OPREZU zbog krhotina koje lete nošene jakim vjetrom. Mogući su lokalizirani prekidi u aktivnostima na otvorenom.


Middle Dalmatia region



Mjestimice jako jugo i južni vjetar. Najjači udari vjetra 35-40 čvorova (65-75 km/h)


UTJECAJ: Iako su uobičajene i česte u ovoj regiji, očekuje se lokalno ili potencijalno opasne brzine vjetra koje uzrokuju valove rizične za manja plovila. Neiskusni pomorci, posebno oni koji upravljaju manjim brodovima, trebali bi izbjegavati plovidbu u tim uvjetima i obratiti pozornost na pomorsku prognozu te pri planiranju razmotriti vjetar i uvjete na moru. Moguće je da neki katamarani neće ploviti pa ako putujete, pratite informacije o prometu.


Middle Dalmatia region



Mjestimice jako jugo. Najjači udari vjetra 35-40 čvorova (65-75 km/h)


UTJECAJ: Iako su uobičajene i česte u ovoj regiji, očekuje se lokalno ili potencijalno opasne brzine vjetra koje uzrokuju valove rizične za manja plovila. Neiskusni pomorci, posebno oni koji upravljaju manjim brodovima, trebali bi izbjegavati plovidbu u tim uvjetima i obratiti pozornost na pomorsku prognozu te pri planiranju razmotriti vjetar i uvjete na moru. Moguće je da neki katamarani neće ploviti pa ako putujete, pratite informacije o prometu.


South Dalmatia region



Mjestimice jako, prolazno moguće i vrlo jako jugo i južni vjetar. Najjači udari vjetra 35-45 čvorova (65-85 km/h)


UTJECAJ: Iako su uobičajene i česte u ovoj regiji, očekuje se lokalno ili potencijalno opasne brzine vjetra koje uzrokuju valove rizične za manja plovila. Neiskusni pomorci, posebno oni koji upravljaju manjim brodovima, trebali bi izbjegavati plovidbu u tim uvjetima i obratiti pozornost na pomorsku prognozu te pri planiranju razmotriti vjetar i uvjete na moru. Moguće je da neki katamarani neće ploviti pa ako putujete, pratite informacije o prometu.