Forecast for San Carlos de Bariloche
3 Day Weather Forecast for San Carlos de Bariloche
The forecast shows air temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity,
precipitation, wind and solar activity, air quality, astronomical data.
The historical archive contains weather data in recent years since 2010.
Weather summary
September 19, 2024 Thursday | |
Patchy rain nearby |
t° max 5 ℃ t° min -1.6 ℃ t° avg 2.8 ℃ |
Precipitation total | 4.29 mm |
Humidity avg | 84 % |
Visible avg | 9.2 km |
UV Index | Low |
US - EPA standard | |
UK Defra Index | coming soon |
Chance of rain | 91% |
Chance of snow | 6% |
Wind speed max | 32.4 kph |
Sunrise | 07:38 AM |
Sunset | 07:39 PM |
Moonrise | 09:57 PM |
Moonset | 08:22 AM |
Moon phase | Waning Gibbous |
Moon illumination | 99 |
Forecast for the day |
Hourly weather forecast for San Carlos de Bariloche for September 19, 2024
Temperature 6.2 ℃
Feels like 4.6 ℃
Presure 1003 mb
Humidity 62%
Precipitation 0 mm
Cloud cover 100 %
Wind chill 4.6 ℃
Wind speed 7.6 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 276°
Wind gust 12.3 kph
Heat index 6.2 ℃
Dew point -0.6 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature 8.2 ℃
Feels like 2.4 ℃
Presure 1003 mb
Humidity 61%
Precipitation 0 mm
Cloud cover 50 %
Wind chill 2.4 ℃
Wind speed 12.2 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 298°
Wind gust 19.2 kph
Heat index 5.1 ℃
Dew point -0.7 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature 4.8 ℃
Feels like 1.8 ℃
Presure 1005 mb
Humidity 70%
Precipitation 0 mm
Cloud cover 20 %
Wind chill 1.8 ℃
Wind speed 13 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 302°
Wind gust 18.5 kph
Heat index 4.8 ℃
Dew point -0.1 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature 4 ℃
Feels like 1.2 ℃
Presure 1004 mb
Humidity 76%
Precipitation 0 mm
Cloud cover 12 %
Wind chill 1.2 ℃
Wind speed 11.2 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 280°
Wind gust 16.1 kph
Heat index 4 ℃
Dew point 0.1 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature 3 ℃
Feels like 0.3 ℃
Presure 1004 mb
Humidity 81%
Precipitation 0 mm
Cloud cover 11 %
Wind chill 0.3 ℃
Wind speed 9.7 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 271°
Wind gust 14.7 kph
Heat index 3 ℃
Dew point 0 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature -0.9 ℃
Feels like -4.1 ℃
Presure 1004 mb
Humidity 85%
Precipitation 0 mm
Cloud cover 12 %
Wind chill -4.1 ℃
Wind speed 9 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 268°
Wind gust 18.9 kph
Heat index -0.9 ℃
Dew point -3.1 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature -1.3 ℃
Feels like -4.4 ℃
Presure 1004 mb
Humidity 88%
Precipitation 0 mm
Cloud cover 14 %
Wind chill -4.4 ℃
Wind speed 8.3 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 276°
Wind gust 17.4 kph
Heat index -1.3 ℃
Dew point -3 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature -1.6 ℃
Feels like -4.6 ℃
Presure 1003 mb
Humidity 91%
Precipitation 0 mm
Cloud cover 27 %
Wind chill -4.6 ℃
Wind speed 7.9 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 276°
Wind gust 16.6 kph
Heat index -1.6 ℃
Dew point -2.9 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature -1.4 ℃
Feels like -3.6 ℃
Presure 1003 mb
Humidity 91%
Precipitation 0.02 mm
Cloud cover 74 %
Wind chill -3.6 ℃
Wind speed 5.8 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 266°
Wind gust 12.1 kph
Heat index -1.4 ℃
Dew point -2.7 ℃
Vision 7 km
UV index Low
Temperature 0.2 ℃
Feels like -1 ℃
Presure 1002 mb
Humidity 84%
Precipitation 0.03 mm
Cloud cover 77 %
Wind chill -1 ℃
Wind speed 4.3 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 290°
Wind gust 8 kph
Heat index 0.2 ℃
Dew point -2.1 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature 1.5 ℃
Feels like -1.1 ℃
Presure 1002 mb
Humidity 83%
Precipitation 0.04 mm
Cloud cover 51 %
Wind chill -1.1 ℃
Wind speed 8.3 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 325°
Wind gust 13.9 kph
Heat index 1.5 ℃
Dew point -1.1 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature 2.9 ℃
Feels like -0.2 ℃
Presure 1001 mb
Humidity 84%
Precipitation 0.06 mm
Cloud cover 69 %
Wind chill -0.2 ℃
Wind speed 11.2 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 337°
Wind gust 17 kph
Heat index 2.9 ℃
Dew point 0.4 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature 2.9 ℃
Feels like -0.8 ℃
Presure 1001 mb
Humidity 85%
Precipitation 0.23 mm
Cloud cover 63 %
Wind chill -0.8 ℃
Wind speed 15.1 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 323°
Wind gust 23.5 kph
Heat index 2.9 ℃
Dew point 0.7 ℃
Vision 5 km
UV index Low
Temperature 3.6 ℃
Feels like -0.7 ℃
Presure 1001 mb
Humidity 87%
Precipitation 0.1 mm
Cloud cover 64 %
Wind chill -0.7 ℃
Wind speed 19.4 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 310°
Wind gust 26.2 kph
Heat index 3.6 ℃
Dew point 1.6 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature 3.5 ℃
Feels like -0.7 ℃
Presure 1001 mb
Humidity 89%
Precipitation 1.28 mm
Cloud cover 78 %
Wind chill -0.7 ℃
Wind speed 19.1 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 303°
Wind gust 23.7 kph
Heat index 3.5 ℃
Dew point 1.9 ℃
Vision 9 km
UV index Low
Temperature 3.5 ℃
Feels like -1.2 ℃
Presure 1001 mb
Humidity 92%
Precipitation 0.51 mm
Cloud cover 92 %
Wind chill -1.2 ℃
Wind speed 23 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 293°
Wind gust 26.5 kph
Heat index 3.5 ℃
Dew point 2.3 ℃
Vision 2 km
UV index Low
Temperature 3.6 ℃
Feels like -1.9 ℃
Presure 1002 mb
Humidity 88%
Precipitation 1.36 mm
Cloud cover 57 %
Wind chill -1.9 ℃
Wind speed 32.4 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 287°
Wind gust 37.3 kph
Heat index 3.7 ℃
Dew point 1.9 ℃
Vision 9 km
UV index Low
Temperature 4.9 ℃
Feels like 0.3 ℃
Presure 1002 mb
Humidity 81%
Precipitation 0.25 mm
Cloud cover 71 %
Wind chill 0.3 ℃
Wind speed 26.3 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 276°
Wind gust 30.2 kph
Heat index 4.9 ℃
Dew point 1.9 ℃
Vision 9 km
UV index Low
Temperature 5 ℃
Feels like 0.2 ℃
Presure 1003 mb
Humidity 86%
Precipitation 0.15 mm
Cloud cover 85 %
Wind chill 0.2 ℃
Wind speed 28.4 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 282°
Wind gust 32.7 kph
Heat index 5 ℃
Dew point 2.8 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature 4 ℃
Feels like -1.1 ℃
Presure 1004 mb
Humidity 91%
Precipitation 0.1 mm
Cloud cover 63 %
Wind chill -1.1 ℃
Wind speed 28.4 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 290°
Wind gust 32.7 kph
Heat index 4 ℃
Dew point 2.6 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature 3.8 ℃
Feels like -1.5 ℃
Presure 1006 mb
Humidity 89%
Precipitation 0.04 mm
Cloud cover 81 %
Wind chill -1.5 ℃
Wind speed 29.9 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 286°
Wind gust 34.4 kph
Heat index 3.8 ℃
Dew point 2.1 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature 3.5 ℃
Feels like -1.8 ℃
Presure 1007 mb
Humidity 87%
Precipitation 0.05 mm
Cloud cover 85 %
Wind chill -1.8 ℃
Wind speed 29.9 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 285°
Wind gust 34.4 kph
Heat index 3.5 ℃
Dew point 1.6 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature 3.1 ℃
Feels like -2.5 ℃
Presure 1009 mb
Humidity 89%
Precipitation 0.04 mm
Cloud cover 78 %
Wind chill -2.5 ℃
Wind speed 30.6 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 288°
Wind gust 35.2 kph
Heat index 3.1 ℃
Dew point 1.5 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature 2.8 ℃
Feels like -3 ℃
Presure 1009 mb
Humidity 87%
Precipitation 0.03 mm
Cloud cover 75 %
Wind chill -3 ℃
Wind speed 32.4 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 288°
Wind gust 37.3 kph
Heat index 2.8 ℃
Dew point 0.8 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low