Forecast for Gromiljak
3 Day Weather Forecast for Gromiljak
The forecast shows air temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity,
precipitation, wind and solar activity, air quality, astronomical data.
The historical archive contains weather data in recent years since 2010.
Weather summary
December 14, 2024 Saturday | |
Patchy rain nearby |
t° max 5.4 ℃ t° min -2.2 ℃ t° avg 1.2 ℃ |
Precipitation total | 1.27 mm |
Humidity avg | 91 % |
Visible avg | 5.9 km |
UV Index | |
US - EPA standard | |
UK Defra Index | coming soon |
Chance of rain | 86% |
Chance of snow | 3% |
Wind speed max | 8.3 kph |
Sunrise | 07:17 AM |
Sunset | 04:10 PM |
Moonrise | 02:57 PM |
Moonset | 06:26 AM |
Moon phase | Waxing Gibbous |
Moon illumination | 97 |
Forecast for the day |
Hourly weather forecast for Gromiljak for December 14, 2024
Temperature -1.1 ℃
Feels like -2.7 ℃
Presure 1030 mb
Humidity 89%
Precipitation 0 mm
Cloud cover 86 %
Wind chill -2.7 ℃
Wind speed 4.7 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 191°
Wind gust 9.4 kph
Heat index -1.1 ℃
Dew point -2.7 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature -0.9 ℃
Feels like -2.7 ℃
Presure 1029 mb
Humidity 85%
Precipitation 0 mm
Cloud cover 53 %
Wind chill -2.7 ℃
Wind speed 5 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 185°
Wind gust 10.5 kph
Heat index -0.9 ℃
Dew point -3.1 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature -0.7 ℃
Feels like -2.4 ℃
Presure 1028 mb
Humidity 85%
Precipitation 0 mm
Cloud cover 94 %
Wind chill -2.4 ℃
Wind speed 5 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 190°
Wind gust 10.6 kph
Heat index -0.7 ℃
Dew point -2.9 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature -0.9 ℃
Feels like -2.8 ℃
Presure 1027 mb
Humidity 84%
Precipitation 0 mm
Cloud cover 98 %
Wind chill -2.8 ℃
Wind speed 5.4 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 195°
Wind gust 11.3 kph
Heat index -0.9 ℃
Dew point -3.3 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature -1.7 ℃
Feels like -3.8 ℃
Presure 1026 mb
Humidity 80%
Precipitation 0.02 mm
Cloud cover 79 %
Wind chill -3.8 ℃
Wind speed 5.4 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 222°
Wind gust 11.3 kph
Heat index -1.7 ℃
Dew point -4.7 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature 1.1 ℃
Feels like -0.7 ℃
Presure 1025 mb
Humidity 82%
Precipitation 0.19 mm
Cloud cover 51 %
Wind chill -0.7 ℃
Wind speed 5.8 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 216°
Wind gust 9.9 kph
Heat index 1.1 ℃
Dew point -1.6 ℃
Vision 5 km
UV index Low
Temperature 1.7 ℃
Feels like -0.3 ℃
Presure 1025 mb
Humidity 86%
Precipitation 0.07 mm
Cloud cover 58 %
Wind chill -0.3 ℃
Wind speed 6.8 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 193°
Wind gust 10.3 kph
Heat index 1.7 ℃
Dew point -0.3 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature 1.5 ℃
Feels like -0.3 ℃
Presure 1025 mb
Humidity 89%
Precipitation 0.07 mm
Cloud cover 57 %
Wind chill -0.3 ℃
Wind speed 6.1 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 181°
Wind gust 9.7 kph
Heat index 1.5 ℃
Dew point -0.1 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature 1.9 ℃
Feels like -0 ℃
Presure 1024 mb
Humidity 90%
Precipitation 0.01 mm
Cloud cover 78 %
Wind chill -0 ℃
Wind speed 6.5 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 175°
Wind gust 9.9 kph
Heat index 1.9 ℃
Dew point 0.4 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature 3.4 ℃
Feels like 1.2 ℃
Presure 1023 mb
Humidity 90%
Precipitation 0.09 mm
Cloud cover 80 %
Wind chill 1.2 ℃
Wind speed 8.3 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 167°
Wind gust 9.7 kph
Heat index 3.5 ℃
Dew point 2 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature 5 ℃
Feels like 3.1 ℃
Presure 1022 mb
Humidity 88%
Precipitation 0.55 mm
Cloud cover 54 %
Wind chill 3.1 ℃
Wind speed 8.3 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 174°
Wind gust 9.5 kph
Heat index 5 ℃
Dew point 3.2 ℃
Vision 5 km
UV index Low
Temperature 5.4 ℃
Feels like 4.2 ℃
Presure 1021 mb
Humidity 90%
Precipitation 0.24 mm
Cloud cover 90 %
Wind chill 4.2 ℃
Wind speed 6.1 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 192°
Wind gust 7.1 kph
Heat index 5.5 ℃
Dew point 3.9 ℃
Vision 2 km
UV index Low
Temperature 4.8 ℃
Feels like 3.7 ℃
Presure 1021 mb
Humidity 94%
Precipitation 0.03 mm
Cloud cover 100 %
Wind chill 3.7 ℃
Wind speed 5.4 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 191°
Wind gust 6.2 kph
Heat index 4.8 ℃
Dew point 3.9 ℃
Vision 2 km
UV index Low
Temperature 4.5 ℃
Feels like 3.5 ℃
Presure 1020 mb
Humidity 94%
Precipitation 0 mm
Cloud cover 73 %
Wind chill 3.5 ℃
Wind speed 5 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 185°
Wind gust 6.8 kph
Heat index 4.5 ℃
Dew point 3.6 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature 4.8 ℃
Feels like 3.9 ℃
Presure 1020 mb
Humidity 92%
Precipitation 0 mm
Cloud cover 70 %
Wind chill 3.9 ℃
Wind speed 5 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 185°
Wind gust 7.1 kph
Heat index 4.8 ℃
Dew point 3.7 ℃
Vision 10 km
UV index Low
Temperature 2.6 ℃
Feels like 1.5 ℃
Presure 1019 mb
Humidity 95%
Precipitation 0 mm
Cloud cover 77 %
Wind chill 1.5 ℃
Wind speed 4.7 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 191°
Wind gust 9.6 kph
Heat index 2.6 ℃
Dew point 1.9 ℃
Vision 2 km
UV index Low
Temperature -2.2 ℃
Feels like -4.1 ℃
Presure 1020 mb
Humidity 96%
Precipitation 0 mm
Cloud cover 72 %
Wind chill -4.1 ℃
Wind speed 5 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 210°
Wind gust 10.6 kph
Heat index -2.2 ℃
Dew point -2.7 ℃
Vision 2 km
UV index Low
Temperature -0.4 ℃
Feels like -1.9 ℃
Presure 1020 mb
Humidity 96%
Precipitation 0 mm
Cloud cover 74 %
Wind chill -1.9 ℃
Wind speed 4.7 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 215°
Wind gust 9.8 kph
Heat index -0.5 ℃
Dew point -1 ℃
Vision 2 km
UV index Low
Temperature -0.3 ℃
Feels like -1.4 ℃
Presure 1020 mb
Humidity 96%
Precipitation 0 mm
Cloud cover 74 %
Wind chill -1.4 ℃
Wind speed 4 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 220°
Wind gust 8.3 kph
Heat index -0.3 ℃
Dew point -0.9 ℃
Vision 2 km
UV index Low
Temperature 0 ℃
Feels like -1.2 ℃
Presure 1020 mb
Humidity 96%
Precipitation 0 mm
Cloud cover 62 %
Wind chill -1.2 ℃
Wind speed 4.3 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 228°
Wind gust 9.1 kph
Heat index 0 ℃
Dew point -0.6 ℃
Vision 2 km
UV index Low
Temperature -0.8 ℃
Feels like -2.3 ℃
Presure 1021 mb
Humidity 95%
Precipitation 0 mm
Cloud cover 62 %
Wind chill -2.3 ℃
Wind speed 4.7 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 235°
Wind gust 9.8 kph
Heat index -0.8 ℃
Dew point -1.4 ℃
Vision 2 km
UV index Low
Temperature 0.3 ℃
Feels like -1 ℃
Presure 1021 mb
Humidity 95%
Precipitation 0 mm
Cloud cover 71 %
Wind chill -1 ℃
Wind speed 4.3 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 229°
Wind gust 9.1 kph
Heat index 0.3 ℃
Dew point -0.4 ℃
Vision 2 km
UV index Low
Temperature 0.8 ℃
Feels like 0.8 ℃
Presure 1021 mb
Humidity 95%
Precipitation 0 mm
Cloud cover 75 %
Wind chill 0.8 ℃
Wind speed 2.9 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 230°
Wind gust 5.8 kph
Heat index 0.8 ℃
Dew point 0.2 ℃
Vision 2 km
UV index Low
Temperature 0.7 ℃
Feels like 0.7 ℃
Presure 1021 mb
Humidity 95%
Precipitation 0 mm
Cloud cover 76 %
Wind chill 0.7 ℃
Wind speed 1.1 kph
Wind direction NSW
Wind direction 229°
Wind gust 2.2 kph
Heat index 0.7 ℃
Dew point 0.1 ℃
Vision 2 km
UV index Low